Yandex metrics and algorithms what has changed how to react seo promotion beginners yandex metrics and algorithms what has changed how to react during the optimization conference questions were raised about the changes that have occurred in the algorithms of the yandex search engine . Recently new quality signals and metrics have been introduced which every webmaster and site owner should know about. The main goal of the changes is to assess the real quality of sites in order to provide the most accurate answers to user requests.
We analyze the innovations and determine what impact they will have on rankings in . Metric proximametric proxima the proxima metric was introduced about a year ago its purpose is to determine the quality of sites. The metric is based on numerous signals expertise conversion mobile app development service rate commercial component everything that influences the experience and loyalty of users. Confidence websites covering financial legal medical educational and other topics are filled with content written using terms and complex formulations. Expertise is important information on highly specialized platforms should be relevant and not mislead the user.
The yandex search engine is built to protect the interests of users they should see resources that can provide information that inspires trust. The search engine will rank sites that meet this criterion higher. Resource value digital marketing tools have long been used to promote e commerce businesses and monetize traffic. From the perspective of search engine algorithms such promotion does not demonstrate business value. If the site does not provide value to users then it risks falling into the risk zone. The indicator is assessed based on various factors for example after conducting an examination of the company that is the service provider. The unique selling proposition product quality and positioning depend on this factor.